
About SALT

Systematic Asian Leadership Training

SALT serves where church growth is exploding, education is low, and poverty is common. We are dedicated to creating Biblically sound materials that are tailor made for our target audiences so that nationals become the primary teachers equipping church leaders.

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Read the Stories
  • Bow to God not Man

      Summer vacation has always been prime time for Bible camps. Yet due to severe weather conditions, such activities have all but disappeared in many East Asian regions. Even so, bold believers fight on for the Truth by or...

  • The Beginning of Wisdom

    The pandemic is behind us now, but story after story continues to pour in from the field, testifying to the zeal for SALT training in spite of great risk at the time. In mid-2021, at the peak of the pandemic, widespread area...

  • What COVID Could Not Stop

    March 2021 saw the peak of the pandemic across East Asia. While most citizens were hiding at home in fear of further outbreaks, a group of church leaders risked their lives and seized every opportunity to partake in SALT̵...

  • Leaving a Legacy: Laboring for the Lord

    How does a recently retired SALT trainer spend his time? Lounging around the home, leisurely strolling the streets, or learning new hobbies? Not so for Max who has chosen to press on and labor for the Lord! Max joined SALT as...

Testimonials from Our Partners

What others say about SALT

SALT’s Head Trainer

Brother J

“Throughout the twists and turns of the recently completed Three-Year Certificate Program, God opened my eyes and bolstered my confidence. Witnessing the first graduation ceremony at the WP training site, and seeing the joy of more than 20 graduates, brought such excitement and gratitude to my heart that words cannot express. Overcome by emotion, I could barely see through my tears. There is still a long way for us to go, so I keep urging myself: in the future, I must prepare each lesson even better, so that the students can get the best training possible. Glory to the Father! Amen!”
(Sharing after the first graduation of the first batch of the Three-Year Certificate Program in early 2021.)

Bless Vietnam Initiative

Quang Nguyen, President

“SALT has brought clarity of Truth and deep understanding to the simple believers in Northwest Vietnam where training is rare and seldom at an appropriate level for low education learners. It is not just SALT materials, but also the devout SALT trainers who have given Vietnamese pastors a model of Godly teaching that inspires them to do the same in their villages. I appreciate the way SALT trainers modified their teaching illustrations to adjust to their audience. SALT’s impact has been very profound!”

The Stewardship Foundation

 Dr. Cary Paine, Executive Director

“The need for pastoral training in Asia is well-documented, and many organizations are engaged in leadership development. We appreciate SALT’s practical and serious grassroots approach to curriculum development and training. Engaging national leaders, they focus upon this one thing and they do it very well. SALT doesn’t strive to be the biggest and best – but simply faithful and effective to their calling. The mustard seed principle is at work. They offer a high value investment. Their impact on the growth of the Church in Asia is impressive.”