Bow to God not Man
Summer vacation has always been prime time for Bible camps. Yet due to severe weather conditions, such activities have all but disappeared in many East Asian regions. Even so, bold believers fight on for the Truth by organizing creative alternatives, and risking their lives!
Jacob is a house church leader with a passion for children and family ministry. Faced with the strict prohibition laws against evangelizing to children under 18 years of age, he has been unable to hold any summer outreach camps for years. He has often struggled, “Should I obey God or man?”
Jacob is a house church leader with a passion for children and family ministry. Faced with the strict prohibition laws against evangelizing to children under 18 years of age, he has been unable to hold any summer outreach camps for years. He has often struggled, “Should I obey God or man?”
“We must obey God rather than human beings.”
(Acts 5:29 NIV)
(Acts 5:29 NIV)
This year, Jacob made his choice to obey God, and planned an unconventional summer program. Observing that the country is promoting local consumption to stimulate the economy, he arranged a “holiday tour” to a neighboring province. Many college and middle school students signed up. They were able to engage in various evangelical activities with minimal surveillance as they blended in with other tourists. PTL the plan went smoothly!
As a result of the fellowship and sharing, new lives were won for Christ, while for others, their faith took root and bore fruit. “Despite the high cost of the trip, it was absolutely worth it!” Jacob affirmed with excitement.
Although lacking the resources to conduct holiday tours like Jacob’s church, David’s church carefully planned a summer camp at a nearby location next to his hometown, and safely completed it with God’s blessing.
As a result of the fellowship and sharing, new lives were won for Christ, while for others, their faith took root and bore fruit. “Despite the high cost of the trip, it was absolutely worth it!” Jacob affirmed with excitement.
Although lacking the resources to conduct holiday tours like Jacob’s church, David’s church carefully planned a summer camp at a nearby location next to his hometown, and safely completed it with God’s blessing.
“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
(Psalms 16:8 NIV)
(Psalms 16:8 NIV)
In biting cold winds, some believers choose to retreat, some choose to surrender, but some choose to face the winds head-on. That’s because in spite of the harsh winter season, they want to obey God, and consequently, miraculous feats are accomplished.
Today we recounted two short and sweet, seemingly simple summer camp success stories. Yet for Jacob and David, these entailed nothing less than life-or-death decisions. In the days ahead, these brothers will continue to brave the storms and live out their faith. Please ask the Lord to protect all our co-laborers throughout East Asia as you remember them in prayer.